Create the Cobra Queue in EPM SA and Check the Max Concurrent Jobs Field in EPM SA Weblink Utility

You must perform this procedure on the Cobra Concurrency machine where PM Compass and Cobra are installed.

To create the Cobra queue and check the Max Concurrent Jobs field in EPM SA Weblink Utility:

  1. Log into EPM Security Administrator (EPM SA).
    • Launch Internet Explorer and enter the URL of the Deltek EPM Security Administrator (for example, http://<web server>/EPMSA/).
    • If the application does not load automatically, click the Deltek EPM Security Administrator link.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Configuration > System Settings.
    The System Settings form displays on the right pane. The General tab displays by default.
  3. Click the Servers tab.
  4. On the Process Queues grid toolbar, click Insert.
    A new is row displayed below the current row.
  5. In the Name field, enter the name of the queue (for example, "Cobra Jobs").
  6. In the Dedicated Server field, click the drop-down to display all available servers, and select your Process server.
  7. In the Maximum field, specify the maximum number of jobs from the selected queue that you want to run concurrently on the Process server.

    You must enter a value that is equal to the number of your Cobra Web Service instances multiplied by four. For example, if you have two Cobra Web Service instances, then you must enter 8 in the Maximum column.

  8. In the Status column, modify the current status of a selected queue.
    You can click either Pause or Continue. By default, the status is set to Stopped.
  9. Complete or modify other fields on this form.
  10. On the form toolbar, click Save.
  11. Check the Max Concurrent Jobs field in the EPM SA Weblink Utility and make sure that the value is equal to the value in the Maximum field for the “Cobra Jobs” queue.
    1. Launch EPM SA Weblink, enter your password, and click OK.
    2. On the System Settings tab, update the Max Concurrent Jobs field.
      The value specified in this field is what ultimately determines the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. Update the Max Concurrent Jobs field with the value you entered in the Maximum field. For example, if you entered 8 in the Maximum field, enter 8 in this field as well.
    3. Click Save.
  12. Log into PM Compass as SYSADMIN or any user with access to PM Compass.
  13. On the Navigation menu, click Administration > Process Server > Process Queue Manager.
  14. On the Process Queue Manager form, in the Queue field, select the name of the Cobra job.
  15. In Queue Status, click Continue.
  16. On the form toolbar, click Save.